In this App Carombooks presents the most spectacular, elegant and crazy solutions of complicated three-cushion positions, played by the worlds best of our fascinating sport. These "Crazy Points" from national and international tournaments are great physical works of art, created out of intuitive moments of the protagonists in combination with a perfect technique and immense experience in our fantastic sport. For the layperson, the ingenuity and sometimes the difficulty of the "Crazy Points" is incomprehensible. Even for the experienced player, some solutions seem absolutely crazy at the first moment and only through the intensive study of a position does the ingenuity reveal itself in the efficiency. However, some solutions simply remain absolutely crazy.
All solutions are replayed by Andreas Efler in his training room on Royal Pro cloth and presented as a video from two different perspectives. A graphic with symbols gives some information about the stroke to support the reader in training and exploring the masterpieces.
A short text passage gives information about what might have been decisive for the corresponding choice of solution.
Owners of the Mywebsport System can easily call up the positions with the remote control and set them up precisely.